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EAER Best Paper Award

EAER Best Paper Award is given to articles that have made exemplary contributions to advance the public as well as academic understanding of international economics. Every article published in the Journal is given an honorarium of USD 2,000. Nominated outstanding and noteworthy papers receive a prize of USD 4,000 along with a detailed nomination statement describing how the selected papers have contributed to the knowledge of international economics.

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[ Previous Winners of the EAER Best Paper Award (1st - 21th) ]
Year Title Author Read
21th (2023) [ First Prize ] Policy-based Loans to Korean SME Exporters and the Intensive Margin of Exports Unjung Whang; Kyong Hyun Koo 168
[ Second Prize ] The Effects of Strategic Goods Control on Productivity: The Case of Korea Min Hye Moon; Yong Joon Jang 161
[ Third Prize ] Servitization and Manufacturing Firms’ Performance: Korean Firm-Level Data Evidence Jae Wook Jung; Hyunsoo Kim 149
[ Third Prize ] Revisiting a Gravity Model of Immigration: A Panel Data Analysis of Economic Determinants Kyunghun Kim 84
20th (2021) [ First Prize ] The Health Impact of, and access to, New Drugs in Korea Frank R. Lichtenberg 215
[ Second Prize ] Does Inward Foreign Direct Investment Affect Productivity across Industries in Korea? Yong Joon Jang 230
[ Second Prize ] The Motivating Role of Sentiment in ESG Performance: Evidence from Japanese Companies Ngoc Bao Vuong; Yoshihisa Suzuki 286
19th (2019) [ First Prize ] High-Skilled Inventor Emigration as a Moderator for Increased Innovativeness and Growth in Sending Countries Jisong Kim; Nah Youn Lee 254
[ Second Prize ] The Effect of Quantitative Easing on Inflation in Korea Min-Ho Nam 97
[ Second Prize ] Trade in Developing East Asia: How It Has Changed and Why It Matters Cristina Constantinescu; Aaditya Mattoo; Michele Ruta 230
18th (2018) [ First Prize ] Economic Policy Uncertainty in the US: Does It Matter for Korea? Seojin Lee 426
[ Second Prize ] Dissecting Gains from Trade: Changes in Welfare Cost of Autarky Paras Kharel 181
[ Second Prize ] Gravity with Intermediate Goods Trade Sujin Jang; E. Young Song 670
17th (2017) Trade, Trade Finance, and Global Liquidity in Asia; Markov-Switching FAVAR Approach Douglas H. Brooks; Elvira Kurmanalieva; Doo Yong Yang 1546
16th (2016) Comparing the Global and Merged with the Local and Separate: On a Downside to the Integration of Regions and Nations Oded Stark 3441
15th (2015) Trade Finance and Trade Collapse during the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from the Republic of Korea E. Young Song 2012
14th (2014) Country Fundamentals and Currency Excess Returns Daehwan Kim; Chi-Young Song 1919
13th (2013) A Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP): Is It Desirable? Sangkyom Kim; Innwon Park; Soonchan Park 2389
12th (2012) Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Subsidy Policy for Foreign Direct Investment Moonsung Kang 1399
11th (2011) Investing in Port Infrastructure to Lower Trade Costs in East Asia Kazutomo Abe; John S. Wilson 1290
10th (2010) Impacts of Service Offshoring on Productivity and Employment: Evidence from Korea Soonchan Park 2166
9th (2009) Greenhouse Gases Emissions Reduction and WTO Trade Rules Younghwan Kim 1274
8th (2008) Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Small Open Economy with Traded and Non-traded Capital Jongkyou Jeon 1248
7th (2007) Trade in Services and Economic Growth Soonchan Park 1381
Natural Resources, Governance, and Economic Growth in Africa Bokyeong Park; Kang-Kook Lee 1726
6th (2006) Dynamic Determinants of Korean Productivity Changes: with Emphasis on Trade Sangho Kim; Hyunjoon Lim 1603
Integration among Major Capital Markets in the World: An Investigation Focusing on Firm Value Jungwon Suh 1455
5th (2005) Estimation of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Evidence from Korean Domestic Prices Sangho Yi 2066
4th (2004) Realized Volatility in Seoul Foreign Exchange Market Chae-Shick Chung; Sang Young Joo; Seung Moon Lee 2070
3th (2003) Deviation from Covered Interest Rate Parity in Korea Seungho Lee 2032
2th (2002) Impact of FDI on Competition in Korean Manufacturing Industries: 1991-97 Mikyung Yun 1964
1th (2001) Intra-industry Trade and the Gravity Equation: A Cournot-Ricardo Approach E. Young Song 1944